Around this time of year, we hear over and over that we should be giving thanks. We probably all do pause for a bit at Thanksgiving to look around the table to tell family and friends
that we’re glad they are in our lives, but what about all the other people we deal with? As we head into the holidays, even with all the other demands on our time and energy, saying thanks to the people with whom we do business has some very positive benefits.
According to an article in Psychology Today magazine, "Even a simple ‘thank you’ spurs people to act in compassionate say they might not otherwise consider. People thanked for giving directions help more willingly in the future, social workers who get thank-you letters visit their clients more often, and diners whose waiters write ‘thanks’ on the check give bigger tips."
Take that thought and expand it into the larger context of our industry and it’s easy to see that letting clients, vendors, colleagues, and partners know how much we appreciate their business
and/or help could spur them to be even more generous with business or help in the future.
Of course, the more personal the thank you, the more effective it is. It could be a small gift, a short phone call just to express appreciation, an invitation to connect over coffee or lunch or even a short personal note on a holiday card. Any one of them would convey how much you appreciate how they have helped you during this past year.
Corny as it sounds, the biggest dividend in expressing your gratefulness may be how it will make you feel. Gratitude is good for you. Psychologists and other mental health professionals say that feeling and expressing "Thanks" isn’t hokey, it really makes us feel better. The Psychology Today article cites research that shows that gratitude helps us focus more on what we have rather than what we don’t have and appreciate relationships over material things. Gratitude helps us heal some of our emotional upsets and forget negative events. And it can even help boost our self-esteem because we are focused on the good in our lives and the people who help provide it.
This is particularly important to keep in mind when you’re considering all the end-of-year and holiday charity appeals. It’s a time-honored technique in charitable fundraising that is successful because your feelings of holiday cheer often extend to their charity, non-profit or religious organization. Giving to those in need will make you feel good, and your contributions are used to do good things.
The holiday message is clear: Saying thank you enhances your business relationships and it gives back to yourself in increased optimism, empathy and self-esteem. Making a donation to a worthy cause only amplifies the feeling and helps other people besides.
Happy Holidays from 5 Star Talent & Entertainment and many thanks for reading our columns this year.