Isn't it remarkable that some of life's most positive people are the ones who have the most reason not to be positive? Think of bicycle racer Lance Armstrong, who came back to win the Tour de France seven times after his bout with testicular cancer, and skater Scott Hamilton, who returned to an ice skating career after cancer.
He said: "The only disability in life is a bad attitude." Why are a positive attitude and enthusiasm for what you do so important to success?
My business as an entertainment agent is based on my ability to deliver an incredible experience for my clients. They want creative ideas from me for making the events they are planning unique, magical and unforgettable. It would be absolutely unthinkable – impossible – to do that with anything less than total enthusiasm. How could they trust the quality of my entertainers if I weren't enthusiastic about them myself?
I started my career in the hospitality industry, and I quickly learned that cheerful employees made for happy and repeat guests. The key to ensuring guests enjoyed their stay was seeing to it that every employee they encountered made them feel welcomed and special. By treating our employees properly, they, in turn, provided superb guest experiences. The airport hotel, (a corporate Sheraton property I worked for) achieved this and it resulted in scoring the highest guest ratings in the North America, Hawaii and Japan for over two years.
During my 12 years in the entertainment industry, I translated my passion and experience into seeing that the entertainers I book and clients that utilize my services both are treated with respect and enthusiasm. The results have been amazing, with continued relationships over many years.
I believe that the secret to happiness and success in any career, whether you are a hair stylist, a librarian, or server in a restaurant, is being excited and enthusiastic. No matter what industry you're in, you will succeed if you are passionate and enthusiastic about the role for which you're responsible. Meeting planners, catering professionals, florists – and, of course, entertainment agents – all of us should be looking for the many ways we can serve our clients with the information, products, and services they need, provided with full knowledge, passion and enthusiasm.
Even when you don't feel like it, you should always smile, offer a friendly and appropriate compliment, dress your part and believe in what you do. The combination will invariably make for a feel-good experience for you, your family and friends and your clients.
Examples like Lance Armstrong and Scott Hamilton aside, the benefits of positive thinking are backed up by solid scientific research. According to the Mayo Clinic, it even improves your health, including:
- Increased life span
- Lower rates of depression
- Lower levels of distress
- Greater resistance to the common cold
- Better psychological and physical well-being
- Reduced risk of death from cardiovascular disease
- Better coping skills during hardships and times of stress
It's one thing to know that a great attitude will charm your way through life. It's another to actually incorporate that attitude into your whole being and approach every day with eagerness.
Even on those days when the smile, enthusiasm, and energy are too difficult to generate, remember to fill your day with laughter, smiles and deep breaths!
- Terri